
Saturday, 30 March 2013

Red Rose Lent Term 2013 Results

Red Rose Lent 2013

Thanks to DY for organising the event with JOG. DY writes:

"The stand out performances were:
J17 coxless quad of Axel Steiner, Jack Hatchman, Vipin Kammath and Matthew Ashall who were the fastest Junior crew of the day.
The overall winners were the J17 double of Axel Steiner and Jack Hatchman. 
The J15 coxed quad of Josh Mapp, Adam Fyffe, Declan Hammond and Joe Unwin coxed by Alex Titterington comfortably beat their respective opposition from Lancaster Schools Rowing Association.
The J16 coxless quad of Vippin Kammath, Roman Bell, Rayhan Mullivar and Avinas Patel showed a massive improvement from their performance and Warrington and Rayhan and Avinas should be commended for braving the conditions and racing in a double as well. "

1st lrgs 2x 17:26 20:43
2nd jog 8+ 16:01 21:17
3rd Lsra w4x- 18:52 21:18
4th lrgs 4x- 17:20 31:57
5th lrgs j16 4x- 19:15 23:12
6th lrgs j15 4x+ 19:55 23:42 note no cox handicap
7th Lsra 4x- 20:25 23:42
8th lrgs 2x 21:04 24:21
9th jog 1x 23:02 25:01
10th Lsra 4x 23:38 26:04

New Equipment for Summer 2013

We are grateful to the OLs and 'The Friends of LRGS' for providing the following new equipment:

Octuple riggers for our eight.

Here is a photo to show what an octuple looks like. Each oarsman has a set of sculling blades each. A great way to get beginners started. After the last Games Option meeting in the last week of the Lent Term, more boys signed up to have a go at rowing. Many of these boys are rugby players wanting to keep fit and learn a new sport. We potentially have 31 boys on the river on a Thursday next term. An octuple is the only way we can get all these boys on the river...and control them!
Janousek Double Scull / Pair (2x/-)

'The Friends' have generously donated the money needed to purchase this boat. The photo shows what the boat will look like. It will be named "Scott & Mason Durant" after our most successful rowers of recent times.

Janousek Coxed Quad Scull (4x+)
A very generous donation from an OL and remaining monies left in the old 'ROCAP' account has allowed us to purchase a brand new coxed quad for junior rowers.

This photo shows a junior coxed quad in action. Our new boat will be blue.
Both Janousek boats are due to be laid up in April and be ready sometime in May 2013.

*** New Sculling Blades ***
We are hopeful that the Club may be able to purchase some new sculling blades to go with these boats. We will be short of blades if alll boats are out on the water at the same time. Any donations for these will be gratefully received! Concept 2 sculling blades are approx. £485 inc VAT per pair.

Summer Events 2013

Mr.Yates (DY) has collected replies to the survey of events that are possible next term. We have to take into account school exams and other extracurricular activites that pupils and staff are involved with. The other event that we have to look at this year is Founder's Day as we will have some new boats to name and launch. A host of rowing events will appear in the School calendar. This is because they had to be submitted to the Governors for approval and also make the calendar deadline. We will not be going to most of them, just a few.
Here is a list of summer events that we are currently top of our thoughts for the Summer Term 2013:
  1. Merseyside Regatta (wk 3, Sunday 5th May)
  2. Bradford Regatta (wk 10, Saturday 29th June)
  3. Founder's Day Boat Launch + Internal Event (wk 11, Satuday 6th July)
There are events across the country every weekend but our current thinking is to go local events and try to win some races.

We also hope to organise a series of internal sculling and rowing competitions with prizes.
One of these is the Senior Sculling Champion Award which is given out at Speech Day each year.
More on these competitions later..